Tuesday, May 21, 2013

some random things i want to show you

The past few weeks have been sort of hectic. There was a wedding, a baby and now an upcoming vacation I am very excited about.  Only a few pictures to share with you because I haven't had the time to upload any fancy schmancy ones yet from my fancy schmancy camera.

Let's lead with this little gem: my super lazy caprese salad. I have zero patience to line up all the tomatoes and mozzarella all nice like Ryan does so I just like to chop them all up and throw everything together. This time I decided to throw in some chick peas because well, they're my favorite. It gave it such a great texture that I think they will always have to go together from now on.

So now that you are drooling, let's chat about the app everyone (including myself) is obsessed with. The ladies over at A Beautiful Mess put some serious hard work into this app and it shows. The doodles and text you can add to anything has seriously occupied me for far too many hours this week. This one below is my favorite; a picture of my nephew growling at my brother for his dinner. I couldn't help it! Seriously though, go download that app.

 I'm like really bad with segues but here is mine anyways :


I said there was a wedding, a baby and now a vaca. If you scroll down a bit more, you'll see a picture from my cousin's wedding. It was lovely. Then, 4 days later we were welcomed with a new baby in the family. 

Charlotte Faith

Seriously, how cute is she? We had a little cookout for my dad last night and the weather was perfect so she was just nestled up in everyone's arms all night on the deck. I kept thinking "wow, babies are so easy", then I  looked to my left and saw Charlotte's 2 1/2 year old sister running around chasing bubbles and Ryan chasing her, and I retracted that statement. For right now, I will stick to babysitting.

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